Anti-Racism and Inclusivity

Mercurial Knits is a one-person show – everything you see here is done by me. While I am white, I stand strongly with my Black, Indigenous, Asian, and all other POC siblings against racism, white supremacy, and hatred. I also stand with my LGBTQ+ siblings against homophobia and transphobia, and furthermore, I stand against ableism, ageism, sexism, and all other forms of bigotry.

Please visit these amazing dyers, designers, and other fibre folks in general, and help spread love, not hate. If you can afford to, please buy a pattern, some yarn, and / or donate to their Ko-fi and Patreon pages – and spread the links further so more people can see and support them. (This is by no means an exhaustive list – this is just a selection of people I follow, primarily on Instagram, whose work I admire.)